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Organic Social Media and Contextual Advertising Campaign



Being the most revered water body of India, the River Ganga holds special place in the hearts of Indian people.

CHALLENGE. The campaign #PoopFreeGanga involves the dream of a water sports enthusiast – Shilpika, who returned from London for the expedition of River Ganga. Her objective was to witness the different facets of this magical and meandering lifeline for millions of Indians. This was until she saw how the mighty river was under threat due to untreated sewage and plastics flowing openly and choking the river. This is when she decided to bring a change.
WaterAid partnered her on this epic journey to provide access to toilets for communities living along the Ganga.

SOLVE. At Magnon, we brought a strategic mix of Organic Social Media and Contextual Advertising to power up the campaign on digital front. People can choose to make a difference by donating a certain amount and help households get access to clean water, toilets and hygiene education.

RESULT. The results were quite impressive and helped WaterAid brought a new life to River Ganga. The campaign generated a total donation of INR 7.5 lakh for the cause.


Digital media strategy, Social media optimization, Social marketing & engagement campaigns, Content and native advertising

Let's talk numbers!

  • 3

    Total Reach

  • 20

    Engaged users

  • 46.8

    Total Engagements

The results were quite impressive and helped WaterAid brought a new life to River Ganga.
The campaign generated a total donation of INR 7.5 Lakh for the cause.

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